Western Forestry Co-op & Royal Forestry Society

Field day to Hilton Park, Clones, Co. Monaghan

“Oak Through The Ages”

Date: 2024, Meeting Time: 10.30 am

Registration: Please register at info@westernforestrycoop.ie or ring 071-9161458 for meeting location and directions.

Participants are advised to bring suitable clothing & footwear and a packed lunch

Itinerary – Introduction to Hilton Park and woodlands by Johnny Madden. Hilton Park and the Madden family are well known for their long involvement in Irish forestry over many generations. The woodlands are reputed for their tall oak, many planted in 1752 to commemorate the marriage of an ancestor. Also, near the lake, stands a specimen Beech tree, one of the tallest Beech in Ireland. The Tree Council of Ireland has listed all of 6 trees from Hilton Park as Champion trees in its publication ‘Champion Trees, A Selection of Ireland’s Great Trees’ and these include an Ash, Coastal Redwood, Western Red Cedar and a Yew in addition to the Beech.

During the day we will look at “Oak Through The Ages” where we will look at Oak plots planted in 1972, 1998, 2014 and individual Oak trees that are over 200 years old. We will focus on the different management techniques being applied over the years and the future management plans. This will include discussing the different grants that are available and the economics of managing Oak stands. We will be particularly focusing on a 10 year old Native Oak Woodland where the 1st tending and thinning will be taking place and the benefits and rationale for early intervention. Halo thinning and Elite stems will be demonstrated and the selection of these.

This field day will be ideal for anyone with an interest in growing and managing Oak trees for timber production, biodiversity enhancement and amenity purposes. The day will give forest owners an overview of the life cycle of Oak trees.

Western Forestry co-op would like to sincerely thank Johnny & Fred Madden, Hilton Park for hosting the field day in their woodlands and the Royal Forestry Society for jointly holding the field day