Forest Harvesting
Western Forestry Co-op will advise you if your forest is ready for Thinning / Clearfell.
Whether to thin or not to thin your forest plantation is a very important question for all forest owners. Factors such as forest location, height, age, species, exposure and elevation which must be taken into account when making this decision. The thinning process comprises of the removal of the poorer performing trees (dead, dying, poor quality, supressed trees) leaving the better quality trees more room to thrive and add value to your final crop.
Forest owners should inquire about forest thinning when a forest is approaching 16/17 years old. Our local professional forester will call out, assess your forest and plan thinning operations.
Clearfelling involves the harvesting and complete removal of all trees at the end of the crops rotation. It is important to engage your local co-op forester to tender your forest sale on your behalf. Our foresters strive to get the most lucrative harvest possible for or clients. Clearfell is the most valuable harvest operation and it’s extremely important that it is undertaken by competent qualified individuals.
Steps Involved in Harvesting your Forest
- Inspection. Is your forest ready for thinning / clearfell?
- Apply for a felling licence. All harvesting operations require a felling licence.
- Forest access. Does your forest need a road?
- Harvesting by competent harvesters.
- Payment to the forest owners.
At harvest time, it is also important to think about replanting (Reforestation). Consult with your local Co-op forester about your aims and objectives for your forest and decide on the appropriate species to be replanted. We can advise you on schemes such as the Native Woodland Scheme where the forest owner receives a payment of €350.00 per hectare per year for 7 years after replanting.
Why Western Forestry Co-op:
Please contact Western Forestry Co-op for more information.
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Sligo: 071-9161458 Mayo: 094-9542668